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Terms and Conditions

1. Enrolment and Binding:

  • Enrolment in our B2B courses is binding.

  • Upon enrolment, the participant agrees to the general terms and conditions.

2. Payment of Tuition Fee:

  • The tuition fee must be paid within 7 days of the invoice date.

  • In case of late payment, Wellington Consultancy reserves the right to deny access to the course.

3. Cancellation:

  • Cancellation of participation in the training course is not possible.

  • In exceptional cases, in consultation with Wellington Consultancy, arrangements can be made.

4. Certificate of Participation:

  • Participants will receive a certificate of participation upon successful completion of the training course.

  • Wellington Consultancy is not liable for the participant's correct understanding or application of the content of the training.

5. Liability:

  • Wellington Consultancy is not responsible for any damage, loss or injury resulting from participation in the training.

  • The participant understands that she/he is responsible for her/his own learning process and practical application of acquired knowledge.


6. Cancellation due to Illness or Corona:

  • Sick note or corona is not a valid reason for cancellation.

  • Exceptions can only be considered in consultation with Wellington Consultancy.


7. Copyright and Sharing of Course Materials:

  • Course materials, including but not limited to teaching materials, handouts, presentations and videos, are copyrighted.

  • Participants may not share, distribute, reproduce or use the Course Materials for commercial purposes without the express written consent of Wellington Consultancy.

  • In case of copyright infringement, Wellington Consultancy reserves the right to take legal action.


8. Cancellation by Wellington Consultancy:

  • Wellington Consultancy reserves the right to cancel the course in case of insufficient enrolments or illness of the instructor.

  • In case of cancellation by Wellington Consultancy, the already paid tuition fee will be refunded to the participant within 7 working days.


9. Pricing and VAT:

  • All prices and tuition fees stated are exclusive of VAT (Value Added Tax).

  • The participant is responsible for meeting any tax obligations according to the applicable VAT legislation.


10. Method of payment:

  • Payments for training courses must be made electronically only.

  • Accepted payment methods will be stated on the invoice provided to the participant.

  • Cash or cheque payments will not be accepted.


11. Complaint procedure:

  • Complaints relating to registration fees must be made in writing.

  • Complaints will be dealt with by Wellington Consultancy as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after receipt.

  • Wellington Consultancy will make every effort to provide a satisfactory solution to submitted complaints.


12. Registration after Payment:

  • A student is not officially enrolled in a course at Wellington Consultancy until the full tuition fee has been received.

  • The enrolment process is complete once payment has been successfully received by Wellington Consultancy.

  • Enrolled course participants have access to all relevant course materials and facilities.


13. Professional Character and Consumer Protection Exclusion:

  • Upon registration, the trainee declares that he/she is acting in a professional capacity and does not claim under the Consumer Protection Act.

  • These courses are exclusively for professionals in the relevant industry and are not subject to consumer protection laws.


14. Compliance with Statutory Conditions:

  • Upon registration, the course participant declares to comply with all legal conditions equired to perform treatments within the relevant industry.

  • It is the trainee's responsibility to inquire prior to enrolment and participation about the specific diplomas and licenses required for participation in the course.


15. Not Responsible for Improper Medicine:

  • Wellington Consultancy emphasises that the training courses are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or training in medicine.

  • Wellington Consultancy is not responsible for the practice of improper medicine by the trainee. It is the responsibility of the trainee to comply with all relevant legal standards and requirements regarding the practice of medicine and related practices.


16. Limited Liability:

  • Wellington Consultancy accepts no liability beyond the amount of the invoice for the training provided.

  • Wellington Consultancy will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from participation in the training.


17. Not Liable for Third Party Claims:

  • Wellington Consultancy expressly disclaims any liability for claims from third parties in relation to the treatments carried out by course participants.

  • It is the responsibility of the trainee to take all necessary measures to avoid third party claims and manage any legal consequences arising from the performance of taught treatments.


18. Authority to amend General Terms and Conditions:

  • Wellington Consultancy reserves the right to amend the General Terms and Conditions at any time.

  • Amended conditions will take effect as soon as they are published on Wellington Consultancy's website.

  • Course participants are advised to regularly consult the general terms and conditions to be aware of any changes.



GDPR Statement for Training at Wellington Consultancy


Wellington Consultancy is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of participants in our B2B training courses. Personal data will be kept confidential and used only for administrative purposes related to the training course. Data will not be shared with third parties without the explicit consent of the participant. Participants have the right to access, modify or delete their personal data at any time, in accordance with applicable GDPR legislation. For further questions on data protection, participants can contact Wellington Consultancy.

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